STÖBICH Fire protection: Sustainability

STÖBICH Fire protection: Sustainability

Making fire protection more sustainable

Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

For us, sustainability is more than just saving electricity through LED lighting (we have), electric cars and JobRad (we ride) or product packaging made from 80% recycled materials (which has also long been standard for us).
Our concept of sustainability takes place on your premises:

We already offer our customers options for reducing the use of solid walls with textile fire protection, designing rooms to be open and transparent and making buildings more flexible to use. We are breaking new ground with clever concepts and working on the development of more climate-friendly materials for their future use in our products.

Making construction more sustainable
  • Textile fire protection systems reduce the carbon footprint compared to solid gates and doors by lowering the amount of steel required (less steel = fewer emissions).
  • They are perfectly suited to sustainable and contemporary building concepts and future trends.
  • They can be retrofitted to existing buildings, thus extending the useful life of buildings and conserving resources.
  • Due to their lower weight, they place less of a burden on logistics and thus also on the environment than conventional solid solutions.
Serving the trends of the building turnaround
  • New fire protection solutions meet the complex requirements for the revitalisation of existing buildings.
  • They maintain the delicate balance between fire protection requirements, sustainability and safety when combining historical structures with modern usage concepts.
  • The solutions are also designed for other applications, such as wooden buildings.
Developing more sustainable materials
  • Research and development are geared towards more climate-friendly product components.
  • The planned use of ‘green steel’, which is currently being developed, supports sustainability goals.
  • Proof of usability is sought for the optimised products.
  • An open mindset promotes the use of new, sustainable resources.
Revitalization of
existing buildings

We live corporate social responsibility

As an innovation driver and global market leader, we are aware of our responsibility towards people and the environment. Together with other global players, we pursue the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030, to which our Code of Conduct also refers. With regard to our corporate responsibility, we have voluntarily committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which comprises three areas of responsibility:

Our conviction

  • Sustainability is firmly anchored in our corporate principles, is part of our corporate strategy and is actively practised by the STÖBICH management, family and workforce.
  • ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) and the associated sustainability management have been brought together under a newly created staff unit since 2023.
  • The first steps of the ESG action plan have already been implemented, e.g. determining the STÖBICH CO2 footprint, which we will gradually reduce through various internal and external measures.

Our contribution

  • We take our responsibility seriously, both for society and for our employees. We are making work processes and everything surrounding them more sustainable step by step, for example by packaging our textile fire protection systems in cardboard boxes made from 80% recycled materials.
  • LED hall lighting, JobRad and the expansion of an e-vehicle fleet also signal the sustainable course of our corporate strategy to our employees. We are meeting the growing demand for battery safety with safety solutions for lithium-ion batteries.
  • Improved environmental standards for sustainable construction with textile fire protection systems and reduced use of solid, high-emission building materials, approvals and proof of usability for trends in the building transition and the planned switch to climate-friendly materials such as "green steel" are measures on our CO2 reduction path.

Our social commitment

  • We are committed both regionally and nationally to strengthening education, science, charitable organisations and social projects
  • As a sponsor of research and science, STÖBICH awards and endows prizes such as the Stöbich Entrepreneurship Doctorate Prize and the Kaiser Friedrich Research Prize.
  • As a sponsor, we promote regional projects, local heroes and charitable organisations, from sports clubs to festival organisers. Doing good, both on a small and large scale, has always been important to us.
"Sustainability is very important to us. We have already taken the first steps in product development, but we know that there is still a long way to go."

Janine Stöbich-Uffel, Shareholder