30 Jahre Protec-24

30 years ago yesterday ...

30 years ago yesterday ...

... Jochen Stöbich signed the foundation charter and laid the foundation stone for PROTEC-24. What else was going on in the world in 1993?

When PROTEC-24 was founded in 1993, we all did not yet have a smartphone, but always had three pennies for the pay phone. Bill Clinton was the new President of the United States of America, the EU was founded and with it the European Single Market. Whitney Houston sang her way to the top of the charts with "I will always love you", five-digit postcodes were introduced in Germany and the Space Shuttle Endeavour was launched into space for the first maintenance of the Hubble Space Telescope.

At ➥ PROTEC-24, the maintenance business also took off rapidly - first for the company's own systems and later for those of other manufacturers. For example, the service portfolio included conveyor system closures, textile fire protection systems, fire doors/gates and power-operated door and gate systems. The first locations in Goslar, Bopfingen and Taucha were each staffed with one employee; over the years, a nationwide service network was established.

"We always come" was the first slogan - and this full-service idea has remained with PROTEC-24 to this day.

Here's to the next 30 years!

  • 30 Jahre Protec-24
  • 30 Jahre Protec-24
  • 30 Jahre Protec-24