More Stöbich Trade Fairs postponed
Date changes for FeuerTRUTZ and Interschutz
The FeuerTrutz 2020 is postponed and will now take place on Wednesday, September 30 and Thursday, October 1, 2020. This was announced yesterday by NürnbergMesse. This is the result of the many recent changes in the trade fair calendar due to the Corona pandemic.
As a participant right from the start, Stöbich welcomes the fact that the trade fair is now planned for this autumn, as the leading trade fair for fire protection has been a fixed element in the event programme since its early days in 2011. FeuerTrutz has meanwhile become Europe's most important trade fair that is dedicated purely to the subject of preventive fire protection, and we therefore believe that it is a popular and widely attended venue for industry experts. We are looking forward to our participation and many visitors at the new date!
Location: Future This is the motto of the upcoming Interschutz given the postponement, this is a more than appropriate slogan. Because INTERSCHUTZ, which was originally scheduled for June, has been postponed by one year. The organisers and partners of the world's leading trade fair for fire, emergency services, civil protection and security recently reached this decision by mutual agreement. This is also due to the corona virus-induced crisis situation. The new date is June 14 to 19, 2021 .