We make solutions virtually tangible and comprehensible!
The fascination of a virtual reality experience at digitalBAU
At digitalBAU 2020, Stöbich presented its visitors textile fire protection solutions via virtual reality. From February 10 - 13, visitors to the joint heinze stand had the opportunity to dive into the virtual Stöbich world. VR enthusiasts as well as trade fair visitors who used VR glasses for the first time were equally fascinated.
Finding solutions in virtual reality
Immersion is everything! Just dive in! Virtual Reality is not just a gaming trend, as numerous applications outside the gaming world have already proven. Especially beyond the mainstream gaming genre, VR applications are developed for international brands and companies, for which the integration of 3D planning data and simulation models is of particular interest. Apart from virtual reality presentations for products and processes, these applications are also developed for assembly and maintenance operations or for training sessions. Networking across different sites is just one of its advantages. In addition, this vivid experience allows much more information to be conveyed at the various levels.
Architects and planners are able to wander through a virtual building and experience an interactive fire scenario. This impressively illustrates the functionality of the solutions and the diverse application scenarios. Currently, the focus is still on product presentation, but in the future this technology should above all offer the opportunity to make BIM models of new and existing buildings with planned Stöbich solutions virtually accessible already in the planning phase.