• Fibershield-P

Product description

In the event of an alarm, self-closing, non-thermally insulating fire protection curtain in vertical installation position and closing direction with architectural requirements for housing and guide rails.

Type of constructionNon-thermally insulating fire curtain
ProofCE labelling in accordance with EN 16034:2014 in conjunction with EN 13241:2003+A2:2016
Closing directionfrom top to bottom
Fire resistance E 30 - E 120 | EW 30 - EW 120 | tested according to EN 1634-1:2014+A1:2018 | classified according to EN 13501-2:2016
Closing cyclesC0, C, C1, C2 | tested according to EN 12605:2000-08 and EN 12604:2017-12 | classified according to EN 13501-2:2016
Fire behaviour of the textileA2-s1, d0; B-s1, d0; E-d2 | tested according to ISO 1716 and EN 13823 or ISO 11295-2 | classified according to EN 13501-1:2018
Environmental conditionsNot taken into account are special environmental conditions (e.g. humidity > 80 %, ambient temperature < 5 °C and > 40 °C, wind loads, etc.)
Visible surfaces galvanised | RAL, smooth, semi-gloss, standard colour shade | NCS, standard colour shade

Key: System components:
1 = Smoke detector
2 = Housing
3 = Guide rail
4 = Control module
5 = Release device (see the valid general type approval of the brake system for design details of the electrical components.)

Key: Dimensions
B = Clear shell construction height
A = Clear shell construction width
AY = System height
LH = Clear system height
LB = Clear system width
BJ = System width
BX = Depth
BW = Height
v = Offset between housing and guide rail
Guide rail
CD = Width
CE = Depth
BD = Offset left
BE = Offset right

Size dimensions and system structure

Classification Fibershield®-P series

Fire resistance class/
Size* [LW x LH] in mmFabricWall thickness** in mmWrapped housingGuide rails
E 3011000 x 8000Protex 1100 1.A2140Typ A, B, CTyp 1, 2, 3
E 6011000 x 8000Protex 1100 1.A2140Typ A, B, CTyp 1, 2, 3
E 9011000 x 8000Protex 1100 1.A2200Typ A, B, CTyp 1, 2, 3
E 12011000 x 8000Protex 1100 1.A2200Typ A, B, CTyp 1, 2, 3
EW 3011000 x 8000Protex 1100 1.A2140Typ A, B, CTyp 1, 2, 3
EW 3012000 x 7500Heliotex 9140Typ B, C, D, ETyp 1, 2, 3
EW 6012000 x 7500Heliotex 9200Typ B, C, D, ETyp 1, 2, 3
EW 9012000 x 7500Heliotex 9200Typ B, C, D, ETyp 1, 2, 3
EW 12011000 x 3300Heliotex 12200Typ B, C, D, ETyp 1, 2, 3
E 12012000 x 7500Heliotex 9200Typ B, C, D, ETyp 1, 2, 3
C0, C111000 x 4200Heliotex 9
C0, C1, C27500 x 5000Heliotex 9
C0, C1, C211000 x 9800Protex 1100 1.A2

The installation situation must comply with the building regulations of the country of installation. The fire resistance of a ceiling or wall supporting structure and the neighbouring components must at least correspond to that of the fire and/or smoke protection closure/fire and/or smoke protection curtain. Proof of the stability and serviceability of the neighbouring walls and components must be provided under general ambient conditions and in the event of fire. See also notes on the standard load-bearing structure in EN1366-7:2004 or EN1363-1:2020. The fire protection system must not be subjected to any additional load other than its own weight, even in the event of fire.
* Deviations from size dimensions on request
** Tested wall types according to the installation instructions

Winding housing

Ceiling mounting
Ceiling mounting
Typ A: BX = 190 mm, BW = 200 mm
Typ B: BX = 190 mm, BW = 250 mm
Typ C: BX = 235 mm, BW = 295 mm
Typ D: BX = 270 mm, BW = 320 mm
Typ E: BX = 300 mm, BW = 340 mm
Wall mounting
Wall mounting
Typ A: BX = 190 mm, BW = 200 mm
Typ B: BX = 190 mm, BW = 250 mm
Typ C: BX = 235 mm, BW = 295 mm
Typ D: BX = 270 mm, BW = 320 mm
Typ E: BX = 300 mm, BW = 340 mm
Ceiling installation suspended ceiling
Ceiling installation suspended ceiling
Typ A: BX = 190 mm, BW = 200 mm
Typ B: BX = 190 mm, BW = 250 mm
Typ C: BX = 235 mm, BW = 295 mm
Typ D: BX = 270 mm, BW = 320 mm
Typ E: BX = 300 mm, BW = 340 mm

Guide rails

Wall mounting
Wall mounting
Typ 1: CD = 80 mm | CE = 74 mm
Typ 2: CD = 105 mm | CE = 74 mm
Typ 3: CD = 160 mm | CE = 100 mm

BD/BE ≥ 0 mm
v = 0 mm
Soffit mounting
Soffit mounting
Typ 1: CD = 80 mm | CE = 74 mm
Typ 2: CD = 105 mm | CE = 74 mm
Typ 3: CD = 160 mm | CE = 100 mm

v = 0 mm
Recess mounting
Recess mounting
Typ 1: CD = 80 mm | CE = 74 mm
Typ 2: CD = 105 mm | CE = 74 mm
Typ 3: CD = 160 mm | CE = 100 mm

CDN = + 15 mm
CEN = + 15 mm