Fixed smoke apron

  • Feststehende Rauchschürze

Product description

Large dimensions are possible, unlimited widths, heights depending on prevailing wind pressure, pendulum suspended or fixed (in the side and bottom area), designed for time class and temperature load D=600°C, extremely low weight load on the building structure, fabric between 0.4 and 0.7 kg/sqm, very lightweight shield for continuous systems, e.g. tubes, ventilation lines, ventilation ducts, cable racks suitable (approved) also as a floor-closing smoke apron. The number of penetrations through the curtain can be continuously expanded and changed during the usage period.

TypeTextile smoke apron
Proof of usabilityASTM E84 (fabric)
VerificationZ - 56. 429 - 916
ClassificationD 60 | D 120 | DH 120 | Classification according to DIN EN 12101-1

Constructive system design

Fixed smoke apron

Legend system components:
1 = Fastening module
2 = Fabric
3 = Finishing strip
4 = Penetration collar

System width (SB)System length (SL)
unlimited≤ 8,5 m

Closing strips

Closing strips


On the ceiling
Lateral wall mounting
On the steel girder

On the wall
Lateral ceiling mounting